Monday, December 20, 2010


吃方面柏斯肯定比KL瞬色许多。单是早餐在KL有Roti Canai,Nasi Lemak,Kuih Muih,云吞面,经济粉,点心。。。西式中式马来式印度式任你选。来了柏斯两个星期每天早餐都是自己动手,懒惰时除了老麦早餐之外好像别无选择了。当然这里有鬼佬早餐,他们的Big Breakfast可真是BIG哦!可以作两人份来吃,价钱也很“Big”呢!



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1 comment:

Khim Ming said...

There are quite a few good breakfast places in Perth, but like you said, they're more western-oriented food and prices can be a bit expensive.

Eating out for breakfast, anything more than $15 is charging too much, except for some larger items. Some places that worth a visit are Toast cafe (East Perth, take your kids, the inlet is very beautiful), Tiger Tiger (CBD) and Blake Cafe (North Perth).

If you are craving for a Malaysian breakfast, you can try getting some frozen roti canai from Emma's chinese grocer(Northbridge). They are better than you think. :)

Good luck and merry xmas.